(Advertisement) If you go to the “About me” section on the blog you can find a short overview of how I started travelling. I am quite sure that the sense of curiosity is from my mom. She took me on my first plane ride when I hadn’t even completed the first year of my life! Since then a lot of family holidays followed and after a while, I started to discover the world myself.
When Holiday Check came to me and offered me the opportunity to work with them on a “blogger time travel”, to discover a place where my mom had already been before I was born, I was super excited and of course, couldn’t do less than accept.
The decision of the place to travel to was the most challenging. My mom was working as a stewardess for Lufthansa for many years before I was born, so she has been EVERYWHERE. I planned to travel somewhere I’ve never been, somewhere my mom has fun photos to copy and a place that has a story to tell: Tel Aviv and Jerusalem have been on my list for a while now and were the perfect place to make new experiences and create unique memories.
My mom was in Israel two years before I was born – 31 years ago. Crazy when you think about Tel Aviv as a “new” trend destination only for the past five years. Even crazier, when you think about the fact that there was no internet in private homes, no online booking and no reviews that you can check prior travelling or anything similar.
Travelling today has become so much easier and a lot more transparent. My mom had her trip to Tel Aviv Airport in Israel with Lufthansa, so very cheap due to her job, on her way back, however, there were no free seats in the airline and she had to stay longer than expected while going back to the airport every day checking on free seats. The friend of my mom travelled with, booked her trip at a travel agency and my mom joined the travel group on site in Tel Aviv.
The way of travelling was so different in 1987. There was no possibility of booking single parts of a trip and no way to read reviews or have an idea of what is waiting for you; this is why they were travelling in a group, sticking to a fixed plan.
Now, that I am “time travelling” to Israel, we have a different plan. We have chosen the hotels where to stay based on online reviews and all the steps in Israel are not yet fixed. Thanks to the internet today we have the possibility to book everything online even when we are already in the country and can choose everything quickly based on a deep online research. We know that we really want to experience Jerusalem and the dead sea. In both places, I have photos taken by my mom and I really hope to find the right locations to re-experience. Using the best nikon d5300 lenses you will be able to easily achieve your goal of capturing the perfect picture. It’s not so easy to remember where exactly you have been over 30 years ago!
I am really excited to go on this time travel with HolidayCheck and experience something unique my mom and I have in common.
Anyone of you has been in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem or Israel before?
Lovely all content✨
Thanks so much Monica!
Tel Aviv und Jerusalem steht bei mir auch schon lange auf der Travel Bucket List ganz oben! Sehr schöner Beitrag, habe ich gerne gelesen!
Ricarda von CATS & DOGS
Hallo Ricarda, das sehe ich genauso! Israel ist auf jeden Fall ein MUST VISIT und stand auch bei mir lange auf der Liste!
Da möchte ich auch unbedingt noch einmal hin. Hab mich schon in andere Berichte eingelesen und deiner bestätigt das nur. Kommt auf meine Travel – Liste!
Liebste Grüße,
Ja das stolltest du 🙂
Ach wie cool, ich habe letzte Woche eine Reise nach Tel Aviv gebucht! Bin schon so aufgeregt. Nach Jerusalem wollen wir auch.
Hallo Andrea! Toll, da wünsche ich dir gaaaanz viel Spass! Es ist wirklich mega toll dort 🙂 Wird dir sicher gefallen
Ein toller Bericht! Ich war leider noch nicht da.
Liebe Grüße,
Saskia Katharina
Liebe Saskia, Israel ist wirklich toll! Ich freue mich schon die Erlebnisse im Detail zu teilen 🙂