Christmas Make-up in less than 10 min
I don’t know how you guys celebrate christmas, but for me it is every year a big family event. The only one I don’t feel like missing ever. We all get dressed up nicely and meet up at one couple’s place for the celebrations. We have dinner there and exchange our presents after dessert.
Note that our presents are usually thoughtful. We do not really go into buying anything that might not be of use. For instance, last time, one of my relatives was expecting a baby. Luckily, I was at the gender reveal party, and I got to know the name that the couple decided to finalize. So, around the time of Christmas, when we were supposed to give gifts to each other, I decided to go for something like high end personalized baby gifts. Likewise, one of my relatives had an arthritis problem. For him, I bought a massager that could provide him with relief. So, as you can understand, we are pretty much invested in our family and try to show our love for each other in the best possible ways–one of the easiest ways to do that is by being present (of course with some gifts) at the family event.
Anyway, once we are done with the gift exchange, we celebrate until early morning.
Truth be told, the best thing about this meet-up is that we all take some time to get pretty and put on some sparkling make-up before we see each other. And this year, I am going to use L’Oréal products which come in beautiful coverings (perhaps they took the help of Impacked Packaging in finding top supplies that could meet their packaging needs). Honestly, besides the makeup being extremely effective, I am totally in awe of their sustainable wrappers. Anyway, let’s stop getting carried away, I think that these products would be perfect for sparkling Christmas makeup (not to forget that I am contributing to the environment also).
The Christmas Make-up
First of all I am cleaning my face kindly. Often I am even using a face scrub before applying a more detailed make-up.
Once everything is clean I am applying a moisturising creme in my face and neckline. It is important to apply enough moisture especially as you’re not able to apply any after adding your make-up.
Then I am applying the Perfect Match Foundation from L’Oréal. It is quite thin and easily to apply evenly everywhere. Don’t forget to go a little further than your face’s surroundings as we don’t want to have any hard lines. Most of you guys will be used to apply powder afterwards, but I usually prefer to not add any. This comes mainly from my experience, that you can see it easily if someone as applied powder, not so much if someone only applies a good foundation. I am all about the fact, that make-up needs to make you look prettier, but natural.
Once you’re happy with your foundation you can apply a concealer if you feel like you need some more coverage in some places. Under the eyes or over impurities is usually where I am applying it.
Then especially in winter I am adding a little blush. In this make-up set from L’Oréal you will find two different colours of the Infallible Blush Paint I prefer the more orange one, for the same reason than above, it looks a little more natural.
I am applying just a little on the length of both my cheeks and then swipe it into my skin gently. It should only be a touch of colour which makes you look healthier, fitter and less ghosty in winter times.
Then let’s have a look at your eyes. Depending on your eye colour it is better for you to use either gold or silver applications of the L’Oréal Eye Paint. I usually start with a skin colour eye-shadow, just as a sort of foundation. Then I am applying the details. In this case, as I have blue-greyish eyes silver is what fits me best. If you have warmer colours such as brown I’d suggest you to go with the golden eye-shadow.
Apply it over your eye lead, as much as you wish. As for my suggestion? Less is more! I am just applying a little stripe right over my lashes. Then I am applying the Paradise Extatic Mascara. I usually start on the lower part and then apply the upper part, but also here, just do as you prefer.
You’re eyes are ready: sparkly but simple and natural.
Then we can head down to your lips. I always prefer to surround my lips prior to applying lipstick with a lip-liner because it makes the lines clearer. After applying a lip liner I am using the lip stick Lip Paint Metallic in red. I am really loving this colour as it is super perfect for christmas. It is important that your lip-liner is a little bit lighter than the colour you are applying afterwards.
There you go, you just created your christmas make-up in less than 10 minutes and I hope you like it!
The Give-Away: Huge Christmas Make-Up Set from L’Oreal (Value > 250 €) – Closed
Today is the time come for my third give-away of this month. This one is part of the 24 days of christmas blogging ( all give-aways at the end of the page!) The first two weeks I was offering Beauty Products, this week I have the a super large Make-Up Package from L’Oréal with all the products, and many more for the perfect christmas make-up. Next week on the 24th of december I am having my last-give-away of this week: A Bag of Picard, the one I made for myself some weeks ago. Can’t wait to show it to you!
How to be the lucky winner??*
- Add a comment below how you will celebrate your christmas holidays this year before Sunday 24th of December 2017 6:00 PM (Berlin time)
- The winner will be communicated on the 31st of December.
- Subscribe to the blog here
- You must be older than 18 years
- You must live in Europe or have an address that I can send the package to, that is in Europe
- For more than one participation check out my Instagram and Facebook.
*The decision is final and is exempt from legal procedures.
Good Luck!
24 Days of Christmas Blogging
- Door 1: Julia Des Belles Choses
- Door 2: Clara Fashionvernissage
- Door 3: Tina Amour de Soi
- Door 4: Emilie La Mode et Moi
- Door 5: Sabrina Brinisfashionbook
- Door 7: Patty – Measlyschocolate
- Door 8: Verena Who is Mocca
- Door 9: Julia Des Belles Choses
- Door 10: Jane Shades of Ivory
- Door 11: Andrea Andy Sparkles
- Door 12: Jessy Kleidermädchen
- Door 13: Anja Modewahnsinn
- Door 14: Lea Glasschuh
- Door 15: Sabrina Brinisfashionbook
- Door 16: Louisa & Marietta The Urban Slang
- Door 17: Miriam Be Sparkling
- Door 18: Anna Travelbuddy Anna
- Door 19: Emilie La Mode et Moi
- Door 20: Clara Fashionvernissage
- Door 21: Hai-Yen Gisela is Back
- Door 22: Lea When love speaks
- Door 23: Tina Amour de Soi
- Door 24: Miriam Be Sparkling
ich wünsche dir einen schönen 3. Advent.
Weihnachten verbringe ich mit meinem Verlobten bei meinen Eltern 🙂
Über Instagram folge ich dir als alisastoof.
Liebe Grüße
Ich feiere mit meinen Eltern auf dem Dorf, ganz in Ruhe und gemütlich. Die Omi ist auch noch da, wir werden lecker essen, spazieren gehen und einfach die Zeit zusammen genießen.
Ich wünsche Dir eine schöne Weihnachtszeit
I will celebrAte with my family
I will celebrate with my Family and my husband. Have a great week!
ich verbringe Weihnachten mit meiner Familie 🙂 lg
Hallo Liebes 🙂
Auch ich verbringe die Feiertage mit meiner Familie ^^ am 2. Weihnachtstag fahre ich dann meinen Freund und seine Familie besuchen ^_^
Schöne Weihnachten,
Marita <3
I will be home this Christmas with my Husband, my partner in crime, my family, just enjoy the surrounding Christmas atmosphere while eating some chocolate. Have a wonderful Christmas to you
I’ll celebrate with a friend because my family won’t be in Germany 🙂
I subscribed your blog and follow you on instagam (laliluesma) and facebook (Esma Köse)
I will celebrate with m girlfriend
Ich verbringe Weihnachten zu Hause mit meiner Familie.
LG Margareta
My wife and I celebrate with her family
Our celebrations start on christmas eve with decorating the tree. Then me,m family and boyfriend have dinner and go the church afterwards.
ich verbringe Weihnachten mit meiner Verlobte und ihren Eltern und dann essen wir gemeinsam.
Liebe Grüße
Will be spending time with my son and daughter in law
I will celebrate with my Family
I will celebrate with my family
Love the article.. i cajt wait for cuddpe with my baby boy as its our first Christmas
At home with family
I will be celebraing Christmas with my boyfriend, my cat and lots of food and booze.
Breakfast at my brothers house with all the family and then back home with my partner and 2 kids for christmas dinner, movies and hot chocolate
Visiting my grandchildren early on Xmas morning to watch them open presents then Christmas dinner with the family and chilling out for the rest of the day with the family
I’ll be going to my sister and brother in laws this year to meet up with the rest of the family.
I’m at home with my lovely family! Lots of music, food and presents and plenty of dog walks!
I will celebrate Christmas together with my husband and my two cats this year. We will probably visit his parents for Christmas too.
I will celebrate together with my husband and my two cats. We will probably also visit his parents.
Ich gehe erst mit meinen Nichten in die Kirche und anschließend geht’s heim zu meiner Familie zum Essen und Beschenken 🙂
It will be quiete Xmas with my daughter, my mother and my husband. We had a big loss in 2017 and we all would like to skip Xmas, we only celebrate it because of my daughter.
Love, Melanie
I’ll be spending time with the family!
I will celebrate it with my Family ❤️❤️
Ich verbringe Weihnachten mit meiner Familie.
I will be celebrating at the parade with my family 🙂
I will spending christmas with my son and my famly drinking hot coco hoping it snows. Happy holidays
i will be spending it with my 2 children
ich verbringe Weihnachten mit meiner Familie
I shall be on my own this year but hoping to hear from a long lost friend around Christmas Eve.
Hey ! 🙂
Ich werde dieses Jahr mit der ganzen Familie bei uns zuhause Weihnachten feiern und freue mich schon sehr !
Liebe Grüße und schöne Feiertage,
with my family and partner, quiet but very enjoyable too
Going to my sister’s on Christmas day for dinner with extended family and a nice walk.
I’m going to be spending it with my family… it’s my First Christmas as a wife and I have my parents, my grandfather and the in laws over!! Pressure!!
It will be me and my 3 boys as my hubby is on call at work. Im more excited than then I reckon 🙂
Hi! I’m going to spend Christmas at my parent’s place 🙂 on Christmas eve, we are going to visit my grandparents, where we’ll have our traditional Christmas dinner.
All best
I´ll be at home with both children and grandchildren and enjoy hopefully that they all like their presents 🙂
With friends Christmas day. Family boxing day
at home with my family
I’ll be spending Christmas with my family, slobbing in comfy pj’s, trying to cook dinner whilst tiddly and freeing toys from the clutches of plastic packaging
I’ll be celebrating with my immediate family and parents. just 6 of us. special memories will be made as they always are on christmas day
I will be celebrating my first Christmas this year as a mummy with my 4 month old baby boy and my family, all 15 of us eating, drinking and being merry with party games and trivial pursuit, definately a Christmas must
Ich feiere Weihnachten mit meinem Mann und guten Freunden 🙂
Ich werde gemütlich mit meinen Eltern zusammen und gutem Essen feiern (:
Ich verbringe es im kleinen Kreis mit der Familie 🙂
we are having christmas just us 3, my partner and our little boy! for the first tie in 17 years!! x so excited
Having fun with the family
Hallo 🙂
Vielen Dank für diese Verlosung!
Heute Abend gibt es Fondue, morgen kommt die Family und übermorgen besuchen wir meinen Onkel!
Ganz liebe Grüße und ein schönes Weihnachtsfest ❤️
going to brothers house then to hotel for xmas dinner with family
I will be celebrating with my parents & my younger siblings. It’ll be our last Christmas together in the same house as we’re all going our separate ways next year so it’s a big one!